What is your individual part of this whole of oneness?
Improve relationship with yourself, family, and others. Ask yourself more empowered questions coming from a better attitude. Flow with people in our immediate lives and around the globe. We are a global community. We are all here together on this planet, breathing, living, and evolving. Everything we choose affects someone or something else whether near you or on the other side of the planet, especially now, as we have global connection. Consciously choose the loving right thing to do, and maintain your humble integrity. Make a meaningful difference in your life and in someone else’s, even if it is just one person. Kindness and lovingness are contagious. Be contagious in a good way. The more we have harmony within ourselves, the better our attitude and desire to be honorable. The better decisions we make. The better the quality of our life. Get rid of all the stories, attitudes, unnecessary burdens that hold you back and limit you from being who you truly are. Breathe, and let go of the nonsense of yesterday that keeps you from appreciating today. FLOW in true integrity. When harmoniously connected we can effortlessly and enjoyably FLOW in faith of greater good.
Manmade limiting perspectives, rules, and belief systems stop flow. If we do not ‘digest’ we create blockage, and understanding is not clear so man uses his will. Keep our flow open so awareness can come in and we can have greater understanding, and then greater awareness. If you are struggling to make something work, you are coming from your own will. The more we flow open-mindedly, the easier it is and the happier we are.
Develop proper attitudes and intentions. Let go of old beliefs, or patterns that are stagnating. Work with elements seen and unseen, and flow. Pay attention and have intention. Have vision, be self-aware, and take care of yourself. Ask the universe, God, or whatever form of divine love you believe in for messages, and practice listening.
The body is wired to heal itself. We have many energetic flow patterns within our bodies. Each holding pattern is called a ‘flow’, and each flow addresses a different aspect of the body’s wellbeing. One connects into the next and work as a whole. This is the same for each of us individually on this earth. We connect into each other and we work as a planet connected to our solar system. We are one.
Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help classes and private sessions are available to assist in helping you remember your innate intelligence, ability to heal yourself, and to create an upliftment for each other so that on a greater scale we may travel a greater range in our planetary evolvement together.
Become aware of how you are creating in each moment. With each thought or emotion you create either positively or negatively. People live in all aspects and levels of reality. Choose love, peace, mindfulness, and appreciation. Shift your reality to the Golden Rule, “Love your neighbor.” Where there is love there is no doubt.
LOVE is an essence, a power, and a vibration. LOVE is the supreme element in all existence, an eternal dynamic living force. It transcends time, eliminates space, and is the Light out of which all things are created. It is the unifying power, which holds all things together. LOVE simply contains everything. Enough intensity of love can heal and transform anything. LOVE is not a weakness, but creates strength. LOVE is the most divinely inspired attribute that you can cultivate and develop. Its power can endure all things, rejoice in all things and glorify all things. LOVE is a constant force from which you can draw life’s energies and harmony. Its healing tenderness penetrates all things and enfolds every heart.
Wake up and do something about it. Promote change. Be contagious; don’t wait for someone else first. You do it. Be it. What you think about is what is present in your existence. You know how good it feels when someone is nice to you. What you give and the energy you emit comes back to you. Be present. Show up. Remember and know your talents and gifts. Use them on the planet as a gift of upliftment. Be your best self, and infuse excellence in all you do. Expand your capacity. Be a light for someone to follow, a color in someone’s picture, or flower in someone’s garden. Choose to be free to be you, and do what you are meant to do. Stop suppressing your creativity. Stop waiting for this or that to be loving, or happy. Let it FLOW. Allow yourself to see what you can create.
I FLOW with people in my life and around the globe.
I FLOW with universal and global shifts and changes.
I FLOW in Faith, especially when harmoniously connected.
Make a difference. Now is the time. Light your being up, and see what is around you. Be a bright light in the world. All you have to do is simply start with love. Participate, create, and flow in the meaning of you, and add to global evolution.
I saw your interview w/ Corey and Stacy Goode (“Accelerating Ascension” series) and resonate w/ your Be-ing. I have Be-N Re-member-ing Me in this life journey and I am a long book. Do you do intuitive work over the phone or Zoom?
And, would you suggest practices in sound healing? You mentioned using 128Hz tuning fork on Stacy (releases nitric oxide). I am (my chakras) are very in-tune and vibrate with sound.
Thank you,
Cynthia White