I Benefit ~ I Breathe ~ I let go ~ I flow ~ I Think ~ I Know Myself

“Use My Energy To Be That Which I Am.” — Mary Burmeister

How Can Jin Shin Jyutsu Help Me?

Jin Shin Jyutsu views symptoms and pathology imbalances as reflections of the underlying energetic system.

bigstock-Pretty-young-girl-runner-in-th-25351577OPT– Recharge your ‘life battery’

– Enhance life force energy … Ki, Chi, or Prana

– Breathe properly… full inhales and exhales; help asthma, brain function, & energize

– Strengthen immune system

– Relieve discomfort, back and neck pain

– Relieve sports injuries, strained muscles and joints

– Stimulate the essence of your being & vitality

– Relax your nervous system

– Boost daily energy

– Release stress and tensionbigstock-Serene-woman-sleeping-against--25385486OPT

– Relieve headaches and migraines

– Balance brain, blood and hormone chemistry

– Relieve insomnia and promote deeper sleep

– Move energy that gets stuck in our body causing disharmony and illness

– Aid in digestion and elimination

– Help yourself or others with seizures

– Lessen healing time after injury or surgery for yourself or for loved one

– Aid musculoskeletal and neurological function

– Help tendonitis, and sciatica

– Correct circulatory problems; help eyesight, and hearing

bigstock-Senior-Couple-Walking-In-Park-13909586OPT– Soothe arthritis, rheumatism and other age related imbalances

– Release sadness, depression, anger, worry, anxiety, self-criticism, insecurities, heartache, and deep grief

– Clear mental blockage, mental bondage, and repetitive obsessive thoughts

– Let go of old stories, experiences, thoughts, beliefs and limited perspectives that keep you stuck in patterns that no longer serve you in this NOW moment so as to evolve

– Stimulate pineal, pituitary, thyroid glands

– Enhance lymphatic and endocrine Systems

– Healthy cell production

– Relieve menopausal symptoms; menstruation symptoms

– Minimize symptoms of Lupus, Parkinson’s, and Chronic Fatigue Syndromebigstock-Happy-pregnant-woman-lying-on--15960827-2OPT

– Empower self-healing and preventative care

– Comfort, connect, bond and develop trust with animal

– React calmly in emergency situations with knowledge of our innate abilities

– Aid physical ailments, assist in attitudinal disharmony, enhance spiritual connection

– Harmonize body, mind, spirit, and emotional wellbeing

– Live a healthy balanced lifestyle at any age

– Be Your Best Self, Become who you truly are

– Let go of Fear and Choose Love

– Stop watering fruitless trees

– C.A.N.I ? Constant And Never-ending Improvement

– Help yourself to fully breathe, release, let go, and flow

– Stress depletes vital energy stored in the kidneys and weakens the immune system. Stress is linked to chronic internal inflammation and such activity is damaging to your body, including the cardio system. Relieve stress of environmental toxins, physical trauma, emotional trauma, or any stress the body accumulates.

CA_BenefitsImagesMensOPTSPORTS – Increased energy & stamina, quicker recovery from injury, helps skeletal alignment, relieves strained muscles & joints, relaxes nervous system

CA_BenefitsImages_CancerOPTCANCER – alleviate side effects of chemotherapy; strengthen immune system, promote healthy cell & organ rejuvenation, balance blood/brain/hormone chemistry

CA_BenefitsImages_FamilyRunningOPTFAMILY PLANNING – Enhance fertility, reproductive function, sexual function; balance hormone chemistry

CA_BenefitsImages_PregnacyOPTPREGNANCY RELATED CONCERNS – nausea, morning sickness, backache, skin & hair, varicose veins, breast milk production, tiredness, constipation, swollen ankles/feet/fingers, teeth & gums, sleeplessness, hemorrhoids, indigestion & heartburn, headaches, high blood pressure, faintness, cramps;

CA_BenefitsImages_ElderOPTHOSPITALIZATION– Comfort loved ones in hospital, expedite healing before & after surgery, ease comfort in dying patients and their family

CA_BenefitsImages_KidStressOPTCHILDREN – Help learning disabilities, Autism, ADHD, aid concentration

CA_BenefitsImages_TeenagerOPTTEENAGERS – Help process adolescence and transformation; Build self-esteem and confidence

CA_BenefitsImages_BabiesOPTBABIES – Comfort colicky & teething babies, relieve fever, earaches, enhance peaceful sleep

CA_BenefitsImages_StrplesOPTSTROKES – help brain function, rehabilitation, and paralysis

CA_BenefitsImages-KidDogOPTANIMAL COMPANIONS – deepen connection & bond, strengthen immune system, relieve physical ailments & injury, lessen stubbornness

CA_BenefitsImages_AnimalRescuesOPTANIMAL RESCUES – lessen fear, anxiety, depression, aggressive behavior, and anger of abused or abandoned pets; establish relaxation and develop trust with animal

CA_BenefitsImages_SkinOPTSKIN – Rejuvenate, beautify, radiant mini face-lift; slow aging process; help acne, rash, hives, psoriasis, eczema and other skin conditions