The body is wired to heal itself. We have many energetic flow patterns within our bodies. Pain, dis-ease, and illness occur when energy is not moving. Jin Shin Jyutsu® private sessions and personalized self-help instruction will aid movement in the body, encourage the flow of energy, facilitate the reduction of tension and stresses which accumulate in the body through normal daily living, and help the body heal itself in a gentle deeply relaxing dynamic. JSJ is an Art based on science.
Whether to relieve back and joint pain, stress, shoulder and neck tension, insomnia, emotional attitudes, heartache, fatigue, anxiety, allergies, depression, migraines, reproductive or respiratory issues, digestive disorders, or side effects of chemotherapy; or restore mental balance, hormonal, blood, and brain chemistry; or stimulate proper functioning of our cells and organs; or release the effects of psychological and physical trauma in the body, the knowledge of JSJ and daily lifestyle practice will change our lives and bring harmony to where there is disharmony. It is a simple, non-invasive, non-toxic way to alleviate and prevent illness, or if healthy, it will connect you with your authentic self on an even deeper level. JSJ offers a path to inner peace, wellness, relaxation and joy, which honors the whole person, body, mind and spirit.
What happens in a session? Jin Shin Jyutsu is a gentle art practiced by placing the fingertips in a series of positions and held in patterns of energetic flow throughout the body. One connects into the next and work as a whole. Each holding pattern, or combination of ‘safety energy locks’ called a ‘flow’, reminds the body how to come back into alignment within every aspect of the body’s wellbeing and consciousness. Similar to acupressure, and acupuncture except without needles, the hands are used to facilitate the unblocking of pathways.
Caressa uses her hands to “jumper cable” the energy center areas in the body in order to recharge the “battery of life”, enabling the client’s body to reawaken its natural healing ability. Sessions have the capacity to bring new awareness, vision, and perspective on life, helping to transform old patterns and facilitate change.
A JSJ session begins with client lying on a massage table fully clothed and listening to the pulses on the wrists, which reveals information about the current flow of energy, state of being of the client, and indicates where one may be in need of help.
A session generally lasts 1 hour and does not involve massage, manipulation of bones or muscles, or use of substances. It does, however, promote deep relaxation allowing the recipient to drop out of the mind into the body releasing deep tension, stored emotion, and old energy so as to assist in beneficial change of personal habits and to break patterns that are keeping you running in circles and stuck.
As areas of stagnation release and energy begins to flow again, the recipient experiences a return to a state of “Be-ing.” With all the flow patterns unencumbered, health and wellbeing are restored. The client leaves feeling much more centered and relaxed. Although for chronic conditions several sessions might be needed, improvement is usually experienced after only one session. However, it is strongly encouraged to start with a three-session package in order to truly experience the depth of the art of JSJ while also practicing ‘self help’ in your own time for optimum benefit.
After each private session, you will be given special self-help suggestions to do on your own. The great thing is you can do JSJ in every aspect of your day.
Additional session information:
– JSJ sessions are by appointment only – 1 hour for session and 30 minutes for talk time
– We have a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you don’t notify us 24 hours prior to your scheduled session, you are responsible for the full session fee.
– First session involves completion of intake form and initial consultation.
– Please refrain from eating and caffeinated beverages within an hour before a session.
– Dress comfortably and be prepared to remove belts, watches, or large jewelry
– Payment is due on same day of visit. Cash, check, and credit card are accepted.
– Please call to notify of late arrival.
– JSJ can be applied to people of all ages and conditions.
– JSJ is an integrative healing art complementary to western medicine.
– The effects of JSJ are cumulative… the more you do it the stronger your ‘life battery’
– It is recommended that new clients commit to three sessions in close proximity (one to two weeks apart.) An individual’s needs and condition will determine the remaining course of treatment.
-JSJ does not make claims to cure. Rather, it helps support the body’s own innate ability to heal by clearing out blockage, and harmonizing energetic flow to aid in restoring wellbeing.
– Gift certificates are available.